Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Into The Wild

I believe I may be becoming a Kristen Stewart fan. More on this once I've seen more of her work.

For now, my focus is on a movie I found out about through her, though her own role in it is small (not unimportant, though -- nothing in this movie is). Catherine Hardwicke (director of Twilight) has said that she wanted Kristen for Bella after seeing her in Into The Wild. Naturally, then, now that I have access to nearly any movie imaginable via Netflix, I decided I had to see it.

The plot is about a man's trek into the solitary wilderness (he burns his social security card and meets people along the way, but ends up leaving them all behind). Some of the reviews offered much less than praise; one said the movie has no plot. It's relatively long (148 minutes), too, for just a movie about a guy out in the wild. I wasn't expecting to like it too much (am I ever? I think I must be a pessimist).

But it's enthralling. Vital. Still not my favorite movie in the world, but it held me spellbound at moments despite the fact that I started it some time after 10 o'clock at night. The structure of it, as well. It is a piecing together of the present and events leading up to it. The only movie comparable I can think of is Slumdog Millionaire, but that one used this structure to a completely different end. Into The Wild lets each scene build up while connections form between the slightest pieces. It's philosophical and stirring.

And leaves much room for thought. I do love nature, yet I love things, too. I couldn't give them all up like Christopher McCandless tries to. Notice I say "tries;" there is much to consider when saying whether he was successful in all his aims or not. It's a movie that can't really be explained because of the journey it takes you on; it must be watched first.

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