Thursday, August 1, 2019

Print Copies & Digitals Arrive

The reality of a writer's life: formatting your manuscript for the digital edition while making dinner, getting the email that the first step of the approval process for that edition is underway while on lunch at work, coming home from work to a package containing the new batch of printed copies of your latest book, blogging about your book while making dinner after work. Yeah, life goes on--you just have to fit the writing in between it all. The food, too, always fit in the food.

I got my proof copy of my latest book, Silence and Boldness, in the mail a couple weeks ago. But that was kind of just to make sure it looked alright; the big batch of them is where the excitement begins.

Even though I didn't really write this particular book to try and turn out profit (my plan is to mainly give it away) (not, of course, to imply that I wouldn't like to turn a profit, just that that isn't my goal with this one), it's still fun to set out several copies of a book with your name on it and just enjoy the moment. I give you a glimpse at my desk, too, for the fun of it.

For all you ebook readers out there, the digital edition is now available from Lulu. It will be on all the other major ebook sites later, but you can get it there right now (the digital is $2.99). And paperback and hardcover copies of both my books are still currently 30% off, if you're interested.

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