Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Shifting Shows

My first regular concert was Chris Tomlin in the early 2000's. While I've been seeing a lot of live shows in the past few years, concerts have remained more rare for me. It's seemed easier to go see a play or opera than a concert--the ticket-buying is often easier and the general experience seems to work better with solo attendance, which is usually what I've been doing. 

Now that live shows have started up again, after the break I'm readjusting what sort of shows I go see. The time for solo attendance may be coming to a close. The C.S. Lewis play was a great reentry in. Quickly following that was an invite to see Jeremy Camp. Whether or not I've been much of a concert-goer, that was a pretty easy yes. Jeremy Camp has long been one of the top Christian artists. And do you know what? Attending this concert with a group may very well have been a better use of $30 than attending an opera solo.

Maybe concerts don't give me as much blogging content as another type of show might. Instead, though, I felt included and comfortable in my being and part of the audience. Instead of just looking at something aesthetically, I was looking philosophically. I was glad to be part of this space in which people were gathering to give God the glory. (Not to say that I suddenly have anything against enjoying aesthetics or plays or operas--I'm just describing how the experience was different.)

Lots of things have been shifting for me lately. And if the type of shows I go see ends up shifting, too, well, that may be a good thing.

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