Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Thanksgiving Light

Thanksgiving is a community holiday and also a private holiday. Thanksgiving is all about giving and sharing and appreciating others. And yet it is also about reflecting inward, about being graceful and thankful.

Thanksgiving is the shallowest holiday and the deepest holiday. Put a turkey on a table and there you go, it's Thanksgiving. But no, that isn't it. The tradition calls for food, but the theme of the holiday asks for giving thanks. Is that not the most amazing thing? That we would all across the country gather together at a thousand different types of tables around a thousand different types of table spreads (plenty of them don't even have turkey anymore) with a thousand different types of groups (some small, some large, some more family, some more friends, some close acquaintances, some new) and say, we are thankful.

It is the perfect predecessor to the Christmas season. To put an especial emphasis on remembrance of blessings is quite fitting for late November. 

Happy Thanksgiving

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