Sunday, April 20, 2014

Passage Into Spring

On Friday it was cold. On Saturday, in nearly full sunlight, it rained hard for about a minute. And today it was sunny and warm, with some soft clouds for garnish. Spring begins to show its face, more and more with each passing day. 

Today on this Sunday, life begins again. I stepped outside and breathed in and at last the summer air was beginning. The warmth in the air ignites with any plants that are growing and so you smell a wonderful aroma, similar to the warm scent of bread wafting out of an oven. In this way, the air takes on personality, and the warm weather gains texture. 

Spring is here.

Although The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is so remembered for winter, it is also a story about the coming of spring. And I think it may perhaps be one of the stories that most embraces and rejoices over the entrance into the season. I am also reminded of The Fellowship of the Ring, when Legolas laments that they are not entering Lothlorien during spring--to which Aragorn replies that he is glad to go into the wood no matter the season. But if spring is the beginning again of life, the fellowship's time in Lorien does give them the rest they need in order to begin again their quest.

The desert marigolds are out, and it is spring. Welcome, renewal of life. 

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